Okay, beloved blog friends: Olivia is very excited about something 😀
On August 16th I’m going to be attending my very first convention. (I mean, I’ve been to cons before, but this is my first time having a table and saying, “Hey, world! I write things.”) This was actually on my goal list for 2014:
I’m going to be selling copies of both of the print anthologies (Kings of the Realm and No More Heroes), so I recently ordered boxes of copies. Also, I’ve been working on making some cute giveaway things (Sampler booklets, bookmarks, bookish origami…). It’s been a while since I’ve had a good excuse to do massive amounts of arts and crafts, so that part of preparing has been just delightful.
The con is in Dover, Delaware. Here’s the website. And, if you will permit me a newbie geek-out moment, here’s the page where my name is listed. I can’t handle it, guys.
Soooo is anyone in Delaware and looking for something to do on August 16th? Since this is their first year holding the Comic Con, they aren’t charging admission!! So I’d definitely recommend checking it out if you’re nearby.
Also, because I love my blog buddies so very much, I’m establishing a secret blog phrase. If you visit my table and say the magic phrase, I’ll give you a dollar off any of the books I’m selling. I’ll probably also want to give you a hug, because I think it would be really awesome to meet some of you in the real world. Anyway, the secret phrase for the Dover Comic Con is: “I saw a bird with purple feet.”
And yes, in case you’re wondering, mingled in with all this excitement is a healthy dose of nervousness and apprehension and “Uhhh… I have NO idea what I’m doing…” So if anyone has advice of any kind, please be a pal and leave it in the comments / contact me. Thanks 🙂