Often Clueless, Always Shoeless

Stories Olivia Loves: Author Kate Heartfield

Hello lovely people! If you have a spare ten minutes in your day, I found a particularly cool flash fiction story I wanted to rave about.

“I’m lonely”: Toronto Doctor immune to Apraxia refuses to give up on a cure. 

I found this on Daily Science Fiction—which is a fantastic website, by the way! I’ve always been a real sucker for non-traditional storytelling styles, and this one was pulled off brilliantly. I know I’ve seen the ‘story as a news article’ before, but never in the ‘online news article’ format, which I thought was just so clever.

I get sucked into Yahoo news stories all the time (normally when I’m procrastinating from writing. Shhhhh… don’t tell my alter ego!) and I never really gave much thought to their formatting until I saw this story. They are so distracting! Really, how weird is society that the article you are currently reading interrupts itself halfway to suggest you read another article entirely?

And that’s kind of what the story itself comments on, which is another reason why I love it so much. So, mega-props to Kate Heartfield for using the structure to emphasize the plot.

If you’re interested in more of her fiction as I certainly was, she has a healthy list on her blog. Also a delightful story called The Knave of Lilies, which is posted for free and was a very fun read.

If anyone else reads these, let me know what you think! I’d love to chat about them.


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