This post contains characters from the following:
The World That Forgot How to Dance
No More Heroes
A Book Without Dragons
Across Silence and Darkness (Featured in the upcoming anthology Coven)
In honor of the glorious month known as August, I asked my characters to choose their favorite Summer activity. (Also, this’ll be by first time letting the characters from my just-announced upcoming novel–A Book Without Dragons–show their pretty faces on the internet. Say hi, everybody!)
(From The World That Forgot How to Dance)
“Stargazing. Or really, anything that happens late at night and outside. Since I normally practice my dancing at night (it’s just safer that way) I associate the night with all of the feelings that go along with dance.”
(From No More Heroes)
“Planning next year’s classes. It’s nice to have the space to really analyze what worked last year and what didn’t.”
[Hannah: Wow. Sounds… fun.]
“I wear flip flips while I do it.”
(From A Book Without Dragons)
“Ice cream. All flavors. All styles. Any time of the day.”
(From The World That Forgot How to Dance)
“Reading by a pool. It has to be a pool, though. Not a beach. I go crazy with sand getting in all of my stuff.”
(From A Book Without Dragons)
“Reading by the—”
[Hannah: Already taken, dude.]
[Hannah: Yup. Pick something else.]
“Technically, a favorite activity doesn’t have to be exclusive. But, okay. How about… feeding ducks in a park?”
[Hannah: Very good.]
“And if a book just happens to be there…”
[Hannah: *sigh*]
(From A Book Without Dragons)
“Oh, wow, I’m really not sure… Driving with the windows down? Does that count as an activity? I guess it doesn’t, really. It’s fun, though, and it saves money on the air conditioning.”
(From Across Silence and Darkness)
Camping. I normally can’t get away from my job for weeks at a time, but if I could I’d spend them in the woods somewhere. No one expects me to talk out there, so it’s no big deal that I can’t.
As for me? I enjoy lazing around in my hammock and making smoothies! (And if you follow my Instagram, you probably know I enjoy outside writing sessions.)
How about you 🙂 What’s your favorite thing to do in summer?