Upcoming Excitement…

Good Morning, lovely people!

We are a mere 4.5 months from the release of A Book Without Dragons (can you believe it!!) and I just wanted to give you a heads up about my next round of blog posts.

As you know, I recently did Character Reveals for the five main POV people (well… one of them is a dog…). You can check them in this nifty combined page Here.

So, now that you’ve all met, I decided to give the characters a chance to talk directly to you, the readers. I gave them each the assignment to compose a letter telling the readers about some aspect of the book that they think you should know.

In addition to the letters, I will be posting five “Chapter 0” segments. These are exploring the moments directly before each character’s opening scene, and each will be written in that character’s unique tense / style (Confused about the ‘tense / style’ thing? Click here.)

Okay, friends, let’s do this!

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