“Wait, hold up… did you just say it was 2:58? Can’t be!” (Confused? Click here.)
Guess what??!! The advanced reader copies of my new book came in yesterday! (So very excited.) And I’ve set aside 10 of them specifically for my social media family. (That means YOU!) So, send me an e-mail and you could read A Book Without Dragons for free!
It’s first come, first served, so no dawdling 😉
Books Remaining
Pros of being an Advance Reader
- You get the book for free
- You keep the book when you’re done with it
- You get to see it before the rest of the world
- When I’m famous, you can sell the book for a lot of money
(lol, just kidding)
(…or *am* I…?)
What I’d need from you:
- Check the book for mistakes. Typos. Grammar. Formatting. Fact Checking. I don’t expect you to go out of your way to research anything, but if you see something that sticks out at you as wrong, please let me know. This is the book’s ‘last stop’ before I print 1000 of them, so I want to make sure it’s completely polished.
- If you have any comments, I’d need them by May 5th.
- If you could leave an honest review on Amazon and/or Goodreads, it would help me a lot. (The reviews don’t have to be long. Even a sentence is a huge help because it makes Amazon more likely to recommend the book to others)
If you’re not familiar with this book, check out some of my other blog posts about it Here.
Interested? Just drop me an email using my Contact Form. If you’re one of the first 10 people to contact me, I’ll get your book in the mail right away!