Weekend Coffee Share: Winter Reflections

If we were having coffee this weekend, we would be drinking it on a couch next to a crackling fireplace, and yet I would still find a way to be upset about Winter. I would tell you how much I miss being outside and feeling the sun. But I would also tell you that I’m working on my dislike of the cold months. I am trying to see them as a time of rest and reflection.

Therefore, let’s reflect…

It has been eight months since A Book Without Dragons was published. I find myself stressing about how to market the book, but whenever it starts to get overwhelming, I stop and remind myself to enjoy the fact that I have a book on the shelves. Two years ago, I would have given anything to be able to look at my bookshelf and see my own name staring back at me.

I never wanted to be the kind of writer who gets lost in the numbers of book sales. I never wanted to lose sight of the magic that drew me to writing in the first place. I have always insisted on living in a world slightly more magical than the world reality offers to me. I am afraid of letting that part of myself fade.

But the fear never lasts long. Once I notice how things have become a little too real, I invite the inner child back and she is always waiting for me. The trick is remembering to extend the invitation.

After telling you this, I would ask you if you ever felt the same way. I hope you will say yes, because I want to believe everyone has a version of themselves that is slightly more magical than they choose to let on. And if I am right about this, I would extend the invitation to your inner child as well, to see if they would like to come out and play.  

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