Sooo... before I jump in here, just a note on what I'm doing. I recently discovered a particularly neat idea called Follow Fest, orchestrated by the v…
This post discusses my story Tasty Tiny Magic No Spoilers Don’t get me wrong: there is nothing quite so satisfying as getting lost in hundreds of thou…
This post features the following characters from my stories: Matt from The TimeWarp Bill Lisa from Ball Girl Wistal from The Suicide Game Zen from No …
This post features my story The TimeWarp Bill Newly reprinted by The Fast-Forward Festival Spoilers have been whited out Exciting news! The TimeWarp B…
I have another story publication coming up very soon (YAY!) , so since I'll be posting something about that early next week, I'll keep this Saturday p…
Here's another craft exercise of mine that got me thinking long after I carried on with my day... The challenge was to write the same character at thr…
So, Dover Comic Con was kind of amazing. And by “kind of” I obviously mean indisputedly amazing. Oh my GOSH, you guys!!! What a great weekend! If you …
The lovely S. E. Stone recently tagged me to answer some questions about the books lining my walls. :-) And since I dearly love chattering about books…
Now that Camp Nano is over, I've turned my attention back from short stories to a novella I'm editing. (Well, first I slept a lot. Then I went back to…