It has come to my attention (and probably should have a long time ago) that I am way too dependent on my computer. Seriously, when my computer breaks …
Hello lovely people! If you have a spare ten minutes in your day, I found a particularly cool flash fiction story I wanted to rave about. "I'm lonely"…
I’ve been waiting a long time to get back to the Dagger Trilogy (I know I’ve pined longingly in more that one blog post for this particular set of cha…
I’ll admit it: I’m addicted to drama. I was giving the Dagger Trilogy a full read-through before I dive into revisions, and a lot of the scenes just s…
I’ve been editing for a long time. The ‘typos, syntax, and grammar’ kind of editing. I normally don’t have a problem keeping the creative fire well-st…
Okay, so, I know I already chattered about second person once. (Here’s the original if anyone’s curious.) But then I read a great post by Andrew Knigh…
Warning: Copious amounts of sappiness ahead. (I’m just in that kind of mood, my friends.) I recently started this LARGE and glorious candle. I picked …
Can I just say, first off, that I love beta readers? (Particularly my beta readers. Because they are glorious people.) I truly don’t know what I would…
My Dad prefers to indulge in fiction via audio books, so that he can read while walking. This fact has become a very important part of my editing proc…