“Wait, hold up… did you just say it was 2:58? Can’t be!” (Confused? Click here.) Guess what??!! The advanced reader copies of my new book came in yest…
Hey, Everyone! This is not so much a neat piece of “Internet” as a neat piece of the world. I absolutely LOVE that this exists. It’s called ‘Bookcross…
Have you ever read something so good that words crawled unbidden out of your mouth? I have, and it’s one of my favorite experiences as a reader. I’m n…
Time to break my rules again ;-) because I attended the Central PA Comic Con over the weekend, and I’m feeling way too jazzed up to wait until next Sa…
I’m not a very fast reader. I tell you this not only because my alter-ego gets annoyed when I confess such things (See my Fictional Author's Bio for m…